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Museums in Languedoc: Musee Etang de Thau
Within the charming framework of the village of Bouzigues (see Etang de Thau), the Musee de L'Etang de Thau provides an interesting exposition of the ancient skill of shell-fish raising as well as traditional fishing techniques. The Musee de L'Etang de Thau has aquariums with live specimens, videos and models. The museum also arranges teaching workshops and tastings for adult groups.
Musee de l'Etang de Thau is open all year round (November-February 10.00-12.00 & 14.00-17.00; March to October 10.00-12.00 & 14.00-18.00; June to August the museum stays open until 19.00). Musee de l'Etang de Thauis situated at Quai du Port de Peche, 34140 Bouzigues (tel: 04 67 78 33 57). For further details please visit the website of the Musee Etang de Thau.